Financed projects


Reinforcement of the company’s technological and human resources



Increase production capacity and specialization, with a view to greater satisfaction of prerequisites related to the supply of products and/or services to your customers; Strategically position ourselves as a qualified supplier of Molds using Tixomolding, expanding the area of activity in this market segment, winning new customers and at the same time entering new non-traditional geographic markets for the company.


Consortium for the implementation of the Innovation Pact “PRODUTECH R3 (Recovery-Resilience-Reindustrialization) – Mobilizing Agenda of the Row of Production Technologies for Reindustrialization”


The Consortium intends to bring together the interests and means necessary to carry out the projects and complementary activities of the consortium parties with a view to the joint execution of the Innovation Pact, presented within the scope of the incentive system «Agendas para a Inovação Empresarial», falling within the Regulation ( EU) 2021 / 241 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of February 12, 2021, and in the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan, in its Component 5 – Capitalization and Business Innovation, in the Regulation of the Incentive System “Agendas para a Inovação Business”, approved by Ordinance No. 43-A/2022 of January 19, 2022.